What were the major causes of U.S. mortality in the last 100 years, and what public health measures most contributed to improvements in the health of the nation? Include at least two source citations from the readings and/or additional sources to support
November 7, 2021
5 before and 10 after, please bid if you can do this. Thank you
November 7, 2021

Kelly Sezate 3 postsMotivational interviewing


Making behavior changes is a multifactorial process  and
there  is no one “perfect way”. It really  all depends on the  nurse and the patient.
Motivational  Interviewing is another  option you can use to encourage  behavior
changes. I have included  an interesting article  for everyone to check out.  What are your  thoughts about  this article?

Pursey, V. A. (2013). Using
motivational interviewing    to    encourage behaviour change. Journal of    Renal
Nursing,  5(5),    248-251. doi:10.12968/jorn.2013.5.5.248

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