When diets fail you should remember that you need to vary your calories and nutrients. If you eat the same way every day or even the same amount of calories every day you are killing your diet because your body adjust very fast to routines and that is the end of your weight loss. Sorry, but that is the way you were made so you have to “”trick”” your body into fat loss by never presenting it with a strict routine to get used to.
September 6, 2021
Scientist believe it is not a matter of “”if””, but “”when”” regarding a global pandemic with high mortality. It is estimated that the 2009 H1N1 virus infected 90,000,000 (ninety million) people in the US alone. We were lucky and it had a very low mortality rate. If it has a death rate of even just 5%, 4.5 million Americans would have died! Had it been as virulent as the Spanish Flu discussed in Ch. 32, with a mortality rate of 20% the death toll would have been 18 million people. Ebola has a mortality rate of 50% (!) which would have meant 45 million people would have died had H1N1 been similar.
September 6, 2021


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