Cultural Competence in Nursing
September 8, 2021
Impact of Market Competition Forces on Health and Medicare Care Outcomes
September 8, 2021

Post your original “primary post” for one of the following three bulleted items. Also, reply to a fellow student on any topic.

  • (1) Trophic Cascades in theSerengeti. Watch Dr. Cox’s video on “What Rinderpest eradication taught us about the Serengeti”, which can be found in the Instructor Insights folder for this week. Then address the following questions: (a) How did eradication of Rinderpest from East Africa increase both the tree and giraffe populations in the Serengeti? (b) How did eradication of Rinderpest from East Africa increase the population of predator species in the Serengeti? (c) What does this tell us about ecosystems?
  • (2) Shrinking Red Knots. Read two of the following three articles: Briggs (2016); Dussault (2016); Zimmer (2016). (A) In your own words summarize the basic story that the articles have in common. (B) Of the two articles you read, which of them do you prefer? Why?
  • (3) When the Snowpack Melts Early. Read the article by Miller (2013) about the impact of early melting of mountain snowpack on fish in fresh-water rivers of Arizona. (A) What are the consequences of early melting on the lifecycle of river dwelling fish? (B) Which of these do you think poses the greatest threat to fish?


Cox, J. F. (2017). What Rinderpest eradication taught us about the Serengeti. [Video]

Briggs, H. (2016, May 13). Shrinking bird pays the bill for Arctic warming. Retrieved from

Dussault, J. (2016, May 12). Climate change chould be shrinking these arctic birds. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from…

Miller, S. (2013) Early snowmelt could mean disaster for river ecosystems. Retrieved from

Zimmer, C. (2016, May 12). Climate change and the case of the shrinking red knots. The New York Times. Retrieved from…

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