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October 12, 2021
bacterial vaginosis, HPV, chlamydia, HIV, trichomoniasis
October 12, 2021

Six sections to your plan


I don’t want to know about people, cultures or populations of people in general

or in other countries around the world- I want to know about


1) What is YOUR view of Nature? Do you put value on it? How do you value it? In what ways?

2) How do YOU use resources? Make a list of the resources you use each and every day. Are they

renewable or non renewable? Tell me why it is important to be able to determine and understand this.

3) Based on YOUR use of resources, is your carbon footprint positive to the environment, negative or

neutral? Make sure to state why.

4) How does your PERSONAL use of resources affect other

living things

and others around the world?

5) Thus far in class, we have looked at the resources we use and how our use of resources have

negative impacts on the environment. What possible solutions or alternatives can YOU think of that

would be more positive to the environment? How specifically can they help?

6) How do YOU believe we can make humans more aware of their impact on the environment? If you

had to come up with an awareness plan, what major points would it cover? Be specific



ES 1 Eco-Solution Research Action Plan

Follow the format

on the next slide. You can

answer the questions individually or write it in

essay for-






six questions



of 2 Pages Double Spaced ;


of 6 pages Double Spaced

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