HSA3104 St Petersburg Evolution on Hypertension Management Paper
December 18, 2021
In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two qualitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.
December 18, 2021

Design a bacterial separation problem using the terms from Chapter 7. The problem should include 3 or more bacteria in a mixed culture. Design two problems for 1 bonus point each, and answer 1 problem designed by a classmate for 1 bonus point. *** 3 Bonus points possible

Example Problem: You are given a mixed culture containing an aerobic thermophile, aerobic psychrophile that is also a halophile, and an anerobic mesophile bacteria. How will you separate these into pure cultures?

Example answer:

1) Separate the culture into 3 new tubes for isolation conditions

2) To isolate the Thermophile: Expose tube 1 to high temperatures above 45 Degrees Celsius, all bacteria will die except the Thermophile.

3) To isolate the Psychrophile: Expose tube 2 to cold temperatures below -15 degrees Celisius, all bacteria will die except the Psychrophile.

4) To isolate the Anaerobic Mesophile: Expose tube 3 to anaerobic conditions without oxygen, both aerobes will die, only the Anaerobe will live.

Note: If two bacteria are too closely related for the above approach, you could use the streak plate to isolate colonies to obtain a pure culture. You can differentiate different bacteria by colony color, form, elevation, margin on a agar plate.

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