Traits of a Psychopath
November 9, 2021
Troubling Clinical Experience & Cultural Safety Discussion
November 9, 2021

Please provide a quantitative research (in number’s with surveys stats and logic ) and also please provide the PPT for the same research document . PFA for the evaluation rubrics .

The research project should be at least 10 pages in length. Each section of the research project has specific requirements. In this assignment, a paragraph is 4-6 sentences directed towards a specific topic. Using APA 6th Edition format, each group should provide the following information about their research project.

➢ Research topic: o Introduced and described to establish the main ideas and context of the proposed study (At least 2 paragraphs at least 6 different citations)

➢ Provide an overview of the research project o (Provide credible information from authors or practitioners who have conducted research in this discipline and have recommended more research is needed) (At least 3 paragraphs at least 9 different intext citations)

➢ Provide a problem statement for the research project o (At least 2 paragraphs at least 6 different citations)

➢ Provide a purpose statement for the research project o (At least 2 paragraphs at least 6 different citations)

➢ Provide a research question for the project o (Qualitative research questions should start with the words what or how…. Quantitative should start with is, are, or why)

➢ Hypotheses (quant)/Propositions (qual) o (At least 2 paragraphs at least 6 different citations)

➢ Theoretical Perspectives (quant) /Conceptual Framework (qual) o (At least 3 paragraphs at least 9 different citations)

➢ Significance of the Study o (At least 3 paragraphs at least 6 different citations)

➢ Definition of Terms o 15 with cited definitions

➢ General overview of the research methodology and design (explaining why they were chosen) o (At least 3 paragraphs at least 9 different citations) Conclusion A PowerPoint presentation will also be conducted. More information on this process will be conveyed during the residency session.

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