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October 21, 2021
According to Bryant (2010), there are multiple disparities in obstetrical outcomes between women of different race or ethnicities. The author suggests that stress induced by racial and gender discrimination plays a significant role in maternal and infant mortality. According to Kliff (2018), infants in the United States have a 76 percent higher risk of death compared with infants in other wealthy nations and African American women experience the most elevated rates of maternal and infant death. This inequity in health status can be reduced by properly addressing the social determinants of health and advocating for a system of more culturally and linguistically appropriate care for all. (Kliff, 2018).
October 21, 2021

For the following two questions please write at least 3 paragraphs each APA ARIAL 12 FONT.  Be sure to explore and read more than one reference and it include it in your paper.  Please only utilize word documents so that I can open the document.


1.  Do you view nursing as a career or a job?  What are your professional goals related to nursing?

2.  Describe the steps you would take to prepare yourself to interview for your ideal future Nursing role?

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