As you study human life-span development, you will learn about all the factors that affect people throughout their life. These factors include physical, social, and environmental influences. While we
September 9, 2021
Question 1 Choose which type of mindset you most identify with, either fixed or growth, and explain how this mindset affects how you feel about your intelligence and abilities. Your response must be a
September 9, 2021


Papers must be typed and 6-8 double-spaced pages in length, NOT including your abstract, references, ortitle page. At least four (4) academic references are required: books, journal articles, andchapters in edited collections must be both academic and clearly psychological in theirperspective. Self-help manuals, articles from popular magazines, and non-academic internetsources must NOT be used as core material for your paper. Once again, you are welcome touse the course readings and course text as background material, but they do not count towardsthe four articles you need to find for this assignment. Please ensure you use the APA manual asa style guide.Your paper must include:1. a rationale for why the issue you identify requires academic attention;2. a succinct summary of each of your articles, including a description of the methods andfindings;3. a synthesis of the articles that integrates what you have learned from your research, withthe goal of showing how the research findings support your position or hypothesis

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