December 6, 2022
December 6, 2022


The purpose of this assignment is to examine the concept of governance within a health care organization.

Write a 1,250 word paper addressing the following:

  1. Discuss corporate structure and how it affects the effectiveness of governance.
  2. Determine various roles of governance within organizations and how they should interact within a team setting (e.g., board meetings, committee meetings, oversight, compliance meetings).
  3. Describe concerns to consider when developing and strengthening a team culture. For example: Team members working independently or at cross-purposes, also known as “turf battles,” that can slow or impede the accomplishment of project purposes. The tone of meetings and interactions that can be seen as negative, manipulative, directive, or secretive.
  4. Research a current federal or state compliance topic, such as the Center for Medicaid Services (CMS). You are required to select a topic other than the Affordable Care Act. Provide an example of an organization’s failure to properly apply governance concepts.
  5. Describe how you would apply principles of servant and values-based leadership skills to integrate governance concepts and strategies to improve health care operations.

Use 4 to 5 peer-reviewed resources to support your response.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the 7th Edition APA Style Guide

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