December 5, 2022
December 5, 2022

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Technology is essential to the implementation of the projects. Health Information Technology (Health IT) involves the processing, storage and exchange of health information electronically following privacy and security protocols (HHS.gov, 2020). It improves communication and collaboration with providers in a different health care setting. This form of technology helps to improve the quality of health care, prevent medical errors, reduce health care cost, increase administrative efficiencies, decrease paperwork, and expand access to affordable health care (HHS.gov, 2020). A study shows that only 12% to 34% of discharge summaries reached outpatient care teams by the time the patient saw a physician (Mansukhani et al., 2015). Considering the benefits stated above, this is a perfect technology to help implement my capstone project change proposal, which is improving the transition of care. Using this technology, providers can coordinate important patient information to other health care settings, which promote safe and effective continuity of care that led to positive patient outcomes.

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