October 9, 2021
October 9, 2021

 Choose ONE Young Entrepreneur under the age of 30 and answer the following questions: Describe the young entrepreneurs’ vision or idea. State name, age, net worth and write at least 5 sentences.  The Entrepreneur I chose to talk about is Ben Jackson who is the creator of the Bungii app. Ben’s idea came to mind after the popularity of Uber and Lyft, in which he came up with a similar concept, to transport the stuff of the consumers by connecting with a local driver and pick-up truck. The current age of Ben is 28 with a net worth of $4 million, and he currently resides in Kansas City. “His vision came when he dreamed up the idea after moving to the US for college and receiving constant requests from college students to borrow his car to move their things” (Forbes, 2020). 

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